By Rachel Lynn Foley, Esq.
June 9, 2012
Why Do I Want to File For Bankruptcy?
I am in a marketing class...
learning how to market and we are encouraged to ask the question, “Why do you do what you do?” This made me think about the first question I generally ask in the interview with the potential client, “What brings you in today?” My question and your question should be, “Why do you want to file bankruptcy?”
When you are looking to file bankruptcy ask yourself why you are looking to file, then write those reasons down. Review the reasons and pick out the five most critical points and place them into questions. Will bankruptcy stop garnishments? Will bankruptcy allow me to live on my current wages? Will bankruptcy save my marriage? Etc..
Bring those questions with you when you interview the potential bankruptcy attorney. This way you can stay focused and you are not trying to think of questions while nervously sitting in front of the attorney.
When the interview and research are completed, ask yourself again, “Why do I want to file bankruptcy?” Armed with the new knowledge from your research ask yourself, “Is bankruptcy going to provide me with the relief I seek? ” If it is, then you can make an informed decision to file. If it is not, then you can either seek out more information or make an informed decision to not file at all or just not file at this time.
Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have about your why you want to file bankruptcy, the more power you will have to decide if bankruptcy is right for you.